When I began my practice 20 years ago I was very knowledgeable about the external body systems – like muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments. If I thought about what was on the inside, while I knew how the organs worked and how the systems interacted with each other, I had no idea where those organs attached to the body nor how they might impact movement. It was like the inside of your abdomen or rib cage was a black box – magic things happened in there, but these were not for me to know! As is so common for me, I needed to dig a little further. I did this within a field of practice called Visceral Manipulation.
Picture this: our internal organs have attachment to the inside of our bodies. They have movements inherent to their functions, for example, the stomach has motions to help grind up our food – it is very muscular and active. They have to be able to move to accommodate our movements in everyday life. Imagine what happens if you bend forward to tie your shoes…if our organs were rigid, or attached in rigid ways, they could limit our motions and possibly create pain. When we are injured in traumatic events like falls or motor vehicle accidents our organs may be involved in the damage. When our bodies have had surgeries our organ systems are impacted, become dehydrated, and their motions between each other and between them and our bones are impacted. For us to return to optimal movement and performance our organs themselves may require specific treatment. Treatments are gentle, organ-specific manual techniques to restore intrinsic and extrinsic movement.
Talk to me today to find out if Visceral Manipulation is appropriate for you.